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Stucco Components

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New! Smooth and Sand Finishes

Medium Sand Float • Fine Sand Float • SmoothCoat

Imasco Cement Stucco Finish is a mixture of portland cement (conforming to ASTM C150), hydrated lime (conforming to ASTM C206), inert aggregates, and additives specially blended to provide improved workability, better coverage, color consistency, and increased water resistance. Specially formulated for a variety of attractive textures and building styles.


Imasco Cement Stucco Finish comes in various aggregate combinations that allow design flexibility and a variety of finish appearances;

16/20: Used to create a traditional texture, medium sand float finish or machine dash finish.
20/30: Used to create a fine sand float finish.
Smoothcoat: Used to create a uniform smooth, steel trowel or Santa Barbara/Mission finish.

Imasco Cement Stucco Finish is available as a Base 100 (white) and Base 200 (grey) for use with Imasco Colors. For best results recommended crack resistance surface preparation over the brown coat.

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Color indication is approximate. Variations occur due to texture, weather, job conditions and application.

Textured Finishes

Trowel Tex 1000* and Premix

Imasco Cement Stucco Textured Finishes are a mixture of portland cement (conforming to ASTM C150), hydrated lime (conforming to ASTM C206), inert aggregates, and additives specially blended to provide improved workability, better coverage, color consistency, and increased water resistance.

Specially formulated for a variety of attractive textures and building styles to allow for virtually unlimited architectural and design possibilities. Custom blends are available for large projects.
* Formerly Premix 1000

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Color indication is approximate. Variations occur due to texture, weather, job conditions and application.

Structa Rib Lath (V Truss Walls & Ceilings)

Designed to improve the performance of stucco on overhead surfaces. V Truss for Walls & Ceilings is a self–furring welded wire lath for use as an alternative to 3.4 lb rib metal lath. This product is also approved for use on vertical surfaces and as a reinforcing component for rainscreen wall systems.

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Mega Lath

A self–furring welded wire providing heavy–duty reinforcing for both stucco and stone installation. Mega Lath is specifically designed for stucco applications that require extra reinforcing. Use Mega Lath wherever 2.5 or 3.4 metal sheet lath is specified. Available in stainless steel.

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Structalath Twin Trac

Reinforcing lath simplifies the attachment of lath to wood and steel studs, making it ideal for commercial construction. Twin Trac has all the great features of regular Structalath with the addition of eight secondary cold–rolled longitudinal wires that add strength to form a ‘track’ for convenient attachment. Available in stainless steel.

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A welded wire lath engineered to enhance the performance of stucco cladding and reduce cracking.

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Wire corner reinforcement made with heavy 16–gauge nose wire for stucco corners. All wires galvanized to ASTM standards to provide enhanced corrosion protection.

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A bonding cement paint for application over exterior cement stucco, concrete or masonry surfaces that provides a durable, long-lasting coating for existing stucco. FogCoat is formulated with Portland cement, hydrated lime and fade-resistant mineral color pigments. FogCoat is an ideal, economical solution for changing colors or correcting color inconsistencies.


  • Ensures stucco retains vapour permeability (unlike paint)
  • Cures to become an integral part of the stucco
  • Won’t chip or peel (like conventional paint)
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Before & After

  • Original stucco
  • Vibrant new color with FogCoat